Mobile App Development

About Mobile App Development

iOS App Development

WinkyTech iOS app development team has a tremendous amount of experience in developing apps for the iPhone and iPad. Taking advantage of the variety of device features and capabilities that are accessible when developing on the iOS platform, we can create custom apps for these mobile devices that will enhance the user-experience. Already having deep experiences and a strong track record in iPhone app development, our iPad app development team is able to leverage this expertise, as well as take advantage of some unique iPad capabilities like the pop-over interface elements and the 3-axis accelerometer, and build unique and dynamic iPad apps.

Android App Development

The world’s most popular mobile platform is Android. Android is reckoned as the power behind millions of phones, tablets, and other devices.We provide wide range of Android Application Development services. Our teams of experienced developers create top notch quality Android Apps with various functionalities and with spectacular business-impacting results for our clients.

Cross-Platform Development

As Google published and made Flutter one of the best cross platform technologies for building mobile application for all platforms our talented team learned it quickly and we provide beautiful app for all platforms. Maintaining the application code later makes easier in cross platform and also developing an application using cross platform reduce almost 60%-70% development cost & that’s why we suggest small business, startup companies to choose flutter for their ever first application..

Web App Development

A dynamic website is one that changes or customizes itself frequently and automatically.We also provide E-Commerce and all WordPress related services.


Making a mobile App is no mystery in today’s time however making a successful mobile App is a process which involves quite an extensive pre-planning. At WinkyTech we build a mobile App for you in 5 different phases and each phase has a number of steps, involved. This process of building an App following a detailed one step at a time approach is called Mobile App Development Lifecycle. To understand it further – Mobile App Development Lifecycle is just a representation of the conventional Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) but from the perspective of a mobile device. So without further ado let us have a look at the five phases of Mobile Application Development cycle.

Assessment of Technical feasibility

Having an understanding of the visuals is not enough because you need to analyse whether the back end systems will support the App’s functionality or not. To understand if the idea of your App is technically feasible you need to get access to public data by simply sourcing public APIs. You also need to determine which platform you are building your App for, first. Building an App shall have different requirements depending upon its platform (Android/iOS) as well as its format (tablet/smartphone).

Building a prototype

You cannot define the touch experience until and unless you actually touch the App and see how it works and flows. In order for that to happen you must build a prototype and get the experience of the App into the users hand as soon as possible. This will help you see if things are going in the right direction. In this phase you can use rough and not exhaustive wireframes. Including the stakeholders in this process and allowing them to touch the prototype shall help you take their feedback and implement it into your work.

Designing and development of App

Before moving to coding you must design your App. A User Experience designer can create the interaction architecture of the design elements while a User Interface designer can create the look and feel of your App. This in itself is a multi-step process and the end results is visual directions and blueprints which gives envision of the final product. It also informs you on how an interaction should feel, move and flow.

Building the App using Agile methodologies

Once the design is ready then it is the time for you to build the App. Agile methodology is the best approach for mobile application development as it allows you to make changes, add new features and keep evolving with the changing trends.

Testing the mobile App

Congratulations on building your Mobile App. For Phase 5 you need to get some target users to help you test the App. UAT Testing: For user experience testing you need to put your App in the hands of the users which you are targeting and once it passes the UAT test you know that the solution which you are providing actually works. Beta Testing: Make your App available for the beta trial by allowing open participation of people to test it. The feedback from these beta users will help you determine if your App’s functions work well in the real world environment.

The launch

Once Phase 7 is successful, your App is complete and is ready to be submitted to the App stores for approval. However, this is not the end as every App requires regular updates and new features to be added to it during the mobile application development lifecycle. The development cycle begins once again as soon as the first version of the App is launched.